Why I go to therapy


Sometimes I think amongst people who work in some form of mental health/alcohol dependence/coaching/counselling, there's a bit of shame around admitting you still need support at times.
Like, you're supposed to have it all figured out because you work in this field, you know all the stuff, and you should be "fixed" by now.
I call BS on that. I see a psychologist every month.
I have done years of therapy, counselling, self development AND studied/have quals in psychology, coaching, and counselling. These are not mutually exclusive.
Because if you don't walk the talk and practice what you teach, there's stuff all authenticity or congruence in your work.
If you don't look after yourself, mentally, physically, and emotionally, how on earth do you expect your clients to?
💥 BOTTOM LINE: There is freedom in admitting we are ALL fallible humans who need support, guidance, help with our 'stuff'.💥
Honestly I think the world would be a much better place if more people did. Even if that's reaching out to a trusted friend or elder to talk.
(I'm aware I am speaking from a position of huge privilege here, many people cannot afford the gap and we have basically zero bulk billing psychs covered by the mental health care plan.)
If you are someone who seeks any kind of therapeutic support, whether that's for your drinking or your mental health, you are STRONG. It ain't easy admitting you need it.
BUT you are caring for yourself because - even if you're at a very low ebb - there's still a small part of you that believes you matter. That your need to move out of stuckness, pain or unhelpful self beliefs is a priority. That you deserve help and support. And you do. ❤️
So, yeah, I do therapy, and I practice it too. I prioritise it over new clothes, nights out, trips etc, 'cause I believe in its value to my life.
And it's f-ing awesome when you find the right person. 🎉🌟 One of the biggest gifts you can give yourself. 🙏


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